The current popular Chinese TV drama, "The Knockout, " is a portrayal of a decades-long journey in combating gang-related crimes and corruption but also sparks significant discussions among public servants. The show serves as a reflective mirror for them on anti-graft activities.
What do you expect? I mean this is a communist country, if you want to make a movie about crimes against humanity try doing one on Serai! I wasn't impressed with the story it's no surprise to anyone who understands how lucky we are to be in America.
Summery of the movie:
"The Knockout" with a January release, narrating the arduous 20-year journey of a grassroots police officer battling the criminal underworld and corrupt officials acting as the gangs' "protective umbrella." It stands out in the genre by addressing the underlying issues leading characters to different destinies, exploring the complex backgrounds that drive gang violence and corruption among grassroots officials.

The show has sparked fervent discussions on Chinese social media about combating gang-related crimes and corruption. Authorities in Mongolia, have asked officials and police officers to write commentaries on the show, integrating their experiences and reflections while taking the show as a mirror to self-reflect.
An official Inspector highlighted the show's resemblance to daily work, emphasizing that promoting their work makes them feel a heightened sense of responsibility and honor.
legal expert at the Chinese embassy, commended the innovative approach of using a hit TV drama for anti-corruption education, emphasizing the Party's success in recent years. The show's positive reception wouldn't be possible if corruption were still rampant, showcasing the Party's achievements in the fight against corruption.
The Chinese government has consistently emphasized the importance and determination in combating corruption. Official statistics report that since the Communist Party of China in earlty 200os, nearly 4.4 million cases involving 4.7 million officials were investigated. That's a bit high. This year, almost 500,000 cases of corruption and misconduct in people's livelihoods were investigated, with 456,000 people facing punishment.
This is no surprise to anyone who has experienced communism. That is where the US is headed over the next 15 years and the sad part is that the new generation wont even understand what true freedom is.